Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BUGS: The (Icky) Badge of Thrill-Seeking Honor

So...on the way home from Family Camp, my boys spent Sunday with friends at an amusement park.  They just got in last night, and this morning, David brings me his favorite T-shirt and, well, here's our conversation.

David: (sweetly) Hey, can you spray 'n wash this?

Me: (surveying the dark speckly-ish stains all across the front of the shirt) Sure...what is this? Blood?

David: (casually) No. Bugs.

Me: (dropping T-shirt on the floor) Eeeewww!

David: (thrilled and smiling proudly at my reaction) We were in the front seats of the Top Thrill Dragster.

What's gross to me is like a badge of thrill-seeking honor to my son! Boys are sooooo different! Summer is a great time to get to know your son better, and it's a great time for him to cultivate his relationship with the Lord. I'd love for you to check out my Bible study just for boys, 7th grade and up, Dig Deep: Unearthing the Treasures of Solomon's Proverbs.

Here's what one mom said about Dig Deep:

My homeschooled son is 14 1/2 and has been working through Dig Deep. He is
halfway through and absolutely loves it. He especially likes how you direct him to God and cover heart issues that a lot of people shy away from.
I also appreciate your straightforward approach and how you guide them to take ownership of their relationship with Christ. It is difficult to find material that will talk about life issues, like sex, without going into full-blown details. Many materials today, although they are Christian, follow the world's view on these difficult teen subjects. Thank you for the conservative but straightforward approach you have taken.

Take advantage of FREE SHIPPING and order your son a copy of Dig Deep today!


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