Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Put a Spin on It! (Part One)

When Baby Boot Camp: Basic Training for the First Six Weeks of Motherhood was first released, it was one of the most exciting times of my life! Over a period of several months, I was in the trenches of promoting it with book signings, interviews, and a website when, wham! I got a negative e-mail from someone who said some hurtful things. This person was upset about a controversial parenting issue she thought I had addressed in my book. She obviously had not read my book, or she would have known that subject was not part of my book. Nevertheless, she proceeded to rip me to shreds with her words. Ouch, ouch, ouch!

In true Anne of Green Gables fashion, I was in the depths of despair, replaying the words of her email in my mind. I knew they were not true. I knew it was her opinion. I knew she had not read my book! But the words she hurled at me brought doubt and confusion to the new calling God had placed on my life.

A few days later, I was at a LifeWay bookstore talking with the manager, Jayson. I told him about the email I had received, and he said, "Praise the Lord!"

"What?" I said, completely confused.

"Don't you know you have an enemy?” he asked. “The Bible tells us to consider it pure joy when trials come our way. This email means that the enemy considers you a worthy opponent. You're messing with him! So be glad about it!"

That put a different spin on things, and suddenly, I was thinking from a different perspective.

My kids weren't gung-ho on learning to mow the yard until I told them that riding the mower was good practice for driving. That put a spin on it.
Cleaning a dirty kitchen doesn't sound like much fun until you appreciate the fact that a dirty kitchen means God provided food for your family to eat. That puts a spin on it.

What do you need to "spin" in your life today?

Tomorrow: Put a Spin on it! (Part Two)


1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love this! I am speaking at a women's retreat in April,and as I have started working hard on my writing/talk the enemy has been attacking me and hard! I pray for protection for me & my family from his Spiritual warfare. But I am also excited that clearly he is scared by what I am saying.

May it be to God's glory!

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