It was bright and early--and COLD--when Danya and I headed for the Fox TV station this morning! It was around 22 when I got up, and up to 30 by the time we headed toward the city. Yeah, my girl is not a morning person, but I was really glad to have her along. Here we are after my segment.
Charlie Chase and Kelly Sutton are just as warm and kind in person as they seem to be on "Tennessee Mornings." And meeting Charlie was just, well, it was definitely a fan moment for me. I always liked watching "Crook & Chase" years ago on TNN, and Charlie is just so likable and a real broadcasting pro. He's a Nashville icon, for cryin' out loud!
I thought about broadcasting during my freshman year in college, actually, and began heading toward a communications major. I had interned at a Christian radio station in Knoxville during my senior year of high school, and they let me do so many things there that I started to really get the bug for it! I worked with the afternoon deejay, and he had me scrambling around writing news stories and occasionally getting to work with him on air. I also helped with a Saturday night Contemporary Christian Music showcase back when CCM was finally getting its legs.
Okay, so anyway...these people had actually read through my media kit and flipped through the book. I was so impressed, not to mention grateful. Remember in "Freaky Friday" when the mom/daughter goes on the talk show, and the host leans over and says, "I actually read this one!" Well, of course, they don't have time to read everything. And often, they don't have time to flip through it, either. Thus, the press kit! Makes things easier for everyone! But they seemed well-acquainted with my book, and me, and it made for such an easy interview! Whew!
There was only one time that I was taken by surprise, and that was when CC asked me, "Did you ever have to use 'tough love' on your children?" And the thing is, when I'm speaking or writing, I always clear the stories that have to do with my family with them before I say or print anything. So, I was not really prepared to rat anybody out! Fortunately, the Psalmist prayed, "Open my mouth, Lord, and fill it!" (loose Rebecca paraphrase), so I just let the Lord answer that one with a generic, "It's important for parents to be consistent" answer. Hmmm. That might be the first time in my life that I have been politically correct!
Well congratulations to you Rebecca! How wonderful for you! God is so good in all He does.
I used to watch Crook & Chase all the time too. How exciting to have a "fan" moment. Maybe now he will be a fan of yours too. LOL! Wouldn't that be neat?
Glad you had that moral support going for you too. :-)
How exciting for you, Rebecca! I was just in Nashville a few weeks ago. I cannot fathom having or needing a press kit, but at any rate, I'm glad your TV hosts took time to read yours. I don't know if I could do the whole TV thing - I went to an event being televised by GOD TV, and they cornered me with their camera and mike and asked me to say a few words. Afterwards, I felt like the world's biggest ding-dong. LOL!! I guess God equips us where he calls us!
My son and his wife and kids live just north of Nashville - we absolutely love it there, and visit frequently.
Is it that cold down south? I’m sure Nashville would get colder than Arkansas.
That was a good answer! “Parents have to be consistent.” I would have been so nervous! You answered that with thought and grace.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much!
It is normally not that cold this time of year, but last week we got blast of winter!
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