Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey Everybody,

The past couple of weeks have been so much fun! Traveling around in bloggy land has been a great way to get the word out about Season of Change, and it's been great connecting with old friends as well as making some new ones! I want to thank everyone who has hosted me, and I also want to thank my bloggy friends for following the tour! I hope you've been able to pick up a few things that will help you navigate your own child's season of change!

Today, the tour concludes at the home of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers! My host today, Kris, is the mother of three, a fellow Tennessean, and an avid homeschooler! Her website is full of insight, information, and ideas for homeschooling families!

I've been homeschooling for twelve years now. It has been a journey of joy. I have no regrets because it has been right for me and my family. Homeschooling is not a decision to be taken lightly. You don't do it because your friends are doing it. It is definitely not a choice to be made because of a personal fear factor or because you want to protect your kids. I believe with all my heart that it is a calling. I also believe that God began to whisper His calling to me to homeschool my (future) children one snowy day when I was all of eight years old. I plan to post on that soon, after I get my bags unpacked from the tour!

Enjoy Kris today, as you check out the last stop on the Blog Tour! Click HERE.

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