Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This contest is now closed! The winner will be announced Monday, June 22nd!

Hey Everybody,

If you saw my parenting segment on Fox 17 this morning, and even if you didn't, please leave a comment on this post to be entered to win an audio copy of my latest book, Season of Change: Parenting Your Middle Schooler with Passion and Purpose. This four-cd set is perfect for moms on the go: commuting, carpooling, or couponing! :) Retail value: $29.99! The contest runs today, Wednesday, June 17th, through midnight on Friday, June 19th. I will announce the winner on Monday, June 22nd, so check back then to see if you have won!

To learn more about Season of Change, click here.

To learn how to take your child from painfully bored to purposefully busy, check out the post below!


Edited 06/18/09: Please be sure to sign in through Blogger. If you don't have a Blogger account, put your name or something that will identify you. If your comment says, "anonymous," I have no way of knowing who you are to announce you as the winner!


LisaShaw said...

Sounds like a wonderful book. You have a beautiful blog. God bless you as you continue to share.

Shannon said...

Would love to watch the segment you were in. Does your local news post the stories on a website?

My husband, parents aand I were recently featured on our local news. You can see this at On the main page the top has a search type in Hope Blooms and the story will come up! We are creating a community for married couples to live in and provide foster care or adopt waiting children in MN.

If I can see your sory please post a link!


Rhoades04 said...

So glad to see your email come through today - great give away!

Mommy to Many said...

Thank heavens for a decent book about middle school aged kids! While my daughter is a long way off from that age I used to be a substitute teacher. It seemed like middle school was a survival of the fittest! Yikes!

Brittany said...

Thank you for taking the time to share wisdom with others. My Dad is a middle school teacher and he says it is very hard sometimes. My kids are not there quite yet but you can't be too prepared.

Tracy said...

This sounds wonderful. It would help me with my own kids and youth group kids at church!

Kelly said...

Don't enter me to win, I have the book (and it's awesome!) Just wanted to say glad it went well on Fox 17! Woooo!

Life with the DixieChirps said...

Oh, what a wonderful gift! Please enter me into the drawing! We are trying now to learn gracefully how to go from being painfully bored to purposefully busy!
Thanks for the offer!

Amanda said...

Thanks for getting the word out about this book.My daughter will be starting middle school in the fall and this book sounds great!You have a wonderful blog! Keep up the good work!

Heaven said...

I couldn't click on the link to enter, so I'm just leaving a comment here. I have one child in 8th grade next school year, and another one in line in a few years.

Blessings, Heaven

Anonymous said...

I need all the help I can get. thanks

alicia said...

I think this will be coming in handy!

Brynngersh said...

With a son entering the middle school years, I am very interested in any advice you may have to give. Thanks!

Michelle Blackman said...

I would love to win this book to read!!!! Thank you for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I love that you have written a book on these very signifigant years with advice from a Christians view. My youngest (and only son)is in Middle school now, I have learned alot about girls because of his sisters but I wish I knew ahead of time what to expect.

Heidi said...

I have 5 children and my oldest daughter will be middle school age this year! I still can't believe she is this old already! I am excited and scared for her at the same time! I would absolutely love to win & love all the help and advice you can offer!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your site and must say I am pleasantly surprised!

This past spring I withdrew my children from public school to home school them. The main reason was due to my middle school daughter and the things she was dealing with.

This website is a wonderful resource and I am anxious to learn more about your books!


Cathi said...

this sounds like just what I am going to need as my little man...turns into a man... So glad I discovered your blog!

Ramona_Childers said...

Wow! This sounds like just what I need to get through some of those Middle Years with my youngest son. Things have changed so much since my older 2 have passed them.

Allison said...

My husband is a youth pastor and I'm sure he could learn from your book - there is always more to learn about middle schoolers!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read Season of Change.

Tracey said...

Hey Rebecca,
My oldest in entering Middle School this fall. We are already starting to see the changes that come with growing up. Your book sounds like an awesome resource for this nervous mom. God is utlimately in control and He is good to send us guidance from people such as yourself.

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