Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't Miss the Mission!

As Christians, we live every day on the mission field. My husband is currently on a mission trip serving with Rescue1 in Thailand. He is doing very concentrated, focused work on the mission field there, and he promised to write some blog posts to let people get a look at what he's doing and what Rescue1 does meeting the needs of orphans in several different group homes. I love that the first post he has written speaks to the fact that the mission field is anywhere our feet are. God is always faithful to provide us with opportunities to serve Him and minister to others--if we are ready to see them.

* * * * * 

My first missed opportunity was at the airport waiting on team members to arrive. A gentleman asked about my Rescue1 shirt. I responded with a polite, quick answer and continued to busily prepare my paperwork. I realized later that he had lingered, wanting to talk, and I had missed the opportunity.

The second missed chance to minister was basically the same. I got that familiar check in my spirit, that question God has to ask me far to often: Are you going to do your work or Mine? Thankfully, I did not leave the Nashville airport before He had my attention. The next opportunity was to come soon.

 As we were ready to roll down the runway for our 12 hour flight to Tokyo, the flight attendant came and asked if I would like to get out of the middle seat and take an an aisle seat for the trip. Of course I would! My new seat was next to a 21-year-old Navy man who was leaving for a 3 year tour of duty in Guam. As we talked, he shared that he was engaged and that he and his fiancée were expecting. To further add to his plate, he felt he would be re-routed to the Middle East very quickly, as tensions there are mounting. Off and on for 12 hours, God allowed me to sprinkle His love and grace on this young man. I asked God for His ears to hear and His words to encourage the young man to understand the love of Jesus. No preaching--mostly listening--and sowing seeds.

I left him with a prayer and my card in case he ever wants or needs to talk. As we exited the plane, I was thanking God for another chance to serve and to leave the results to the Holy Spirit.

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What an adventure! Would you pray today for this young man and his situation? Pray that his heart would be open to God continuing to work in his life. If you've ever missed an opportunity to share your faith with someone, be reminded that another chance will come along soon. Ask God to help you to be ready to serve. 

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Unknown said...

missed opportunities that is something that so weighs on my heart and mind. thank God we have prayers to help with some cover for those we may have missed and the Holy Spirit to give them another meeting. How great that your hsb is willing to fit us into his busy schedule. Please convey our thanks.

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Hey Brenda, thanks so much for your comment. I know that I have had my share of missed opportunities too!

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