Monday, February 8, 2010

Back on the Table: Life is Once Again Part of the National Conversation

Hey Everybody,

There has been so much in the news surrounding the "controversial" Focus on the Family ad with Tim Tebow and his mom Pam, but I'm going on the record today to say that I thought it was great! In this country of free enterprise, anyone can purchase air time, and I'm very glad that FOTF decided to produce this positive ad and thrilled that the Tebows shared a little bit of their story. There is a lot more to the story than what you saw on the 30-second clip, so I encourage you to go to the FOTF website to learn more.

Years ago at a church women's event in Greenville, South Carolina, I heard a holocaust survivor speaking about her memories of life in the Nazi prison camp. She told of the terrible suffering, attempting to explain to a group of middle-class suburban women what it felt like to have been considered a "non-person." And then her talk suddenly turned as she began to address the pro-life cause. She spoke with a fervent passion, and in her thick accent, she begged us to do whatever we could to make a difference for the unborn, America's non-persons. When I got home that night, in fear and trembling, I told God that I would do whatever He wanted me to do for the unborn. I figured I would hit the streets the next day with picket signs, marching around America's abortion mills. Well, as it turns out, the Lord hasn't called me to do that, but instead He has shown me that we can make a great deal of difference when:

  • we decide, in our small groups, in our neighborhoods, and in our conversations, that life is worth defending.
  • we get a buzz going that we aren't going to tolerate what is absolutely
  • we vote pro-life and support pro-life advocacy with our time and
    financial resources.
  • we support our local crisis pregnancy centers.
  • we pray for the unwed, pregnant teens we know and encourage them with
    practical help.
  • we share our stories with one another.

On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled that unborn humans were not persons. In the eyes of the highest court in the land, an unborn human being was not deemed a person, but a piece of property, belonging to the mother, and therefore, she, as the owner, could choose to kill the baby (destroy her property) at any time, because of her health or social distress. It was just over one hundred years before this ruling that the Court had declared African Americans to be non-persons in the landmark Dred Scott decision. Not persons, but property. It took a civil war and thousands of lives to reverse that decision. What will it take to end abortion? I hope you'll join me as I take a look at this topic this week.

One of my favorite articles on this subject was written by our friend Jon Walker, author of the new book, Growing with Purpose. Click here to read, Living Pro-Life: One Family Decides Every Life is a Gift.



Mommy to Many said...
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Jane In The Jungle said...

Ok I must say with all the hoop-la surrounding the commercial, I expected more. I saw it last night, I rewatched it today, and it said nothing and did nothing. I was shocked so much was made of so little.....and disappointed.....a lost opportunity to raise awareness.

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Jane, I know what you mean, but at the same time, there has been so much hoop-la that people are going to investigate, click on links, etc., and find out more! A little goes a long way...

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