Wednesday, August 6, 2008


When I speak, I often ask parents (and teens) this defining question: How many of you believe in the power of prayer? And of course, every hand is always raised, affirming our belief in the incredible gift of communication with God Almighty. Then, I follow up with this question: Then why don't we pray more?

If I really believe in the power of prayer, and I do, then why do I hit the snooze button? And why do I dawdle and daydream in His presence? And why do I seem to be distracted by every triviality of life, when the fact of the matter is that the King of kings is waiting for me to talk to Him?

I lived a blessed life in that I had parents who prayed for me. My preacher daddy got up way early every morning (while it was still dark) to pray for his family and for his church. I woke up every day knowing that I had already been prayed for, knowing that whatever the day held, God was in control. That is a gift that I have purposed to give my children.

I love Stormie Omartian's books, "power of a praying wife" and "power of a praying parent." Those are mainstays of my prayer life. They are set up to pray through the month, with 30 prayers in each book. I have a hardbound copy of "praying wife" and it is a treasure to me. When my husband was in a severe accident several years ago (I will blog about this on SEASON OF CHANGE LAUNCH DAY, AUGUST 26TH!), I carried that book with me to the hospital. I wrote on the blank back pages the name of every person who came to visit him and every thoughtful gift of love from our church family, and it became a testimony of God's power, the power of prayer, and the power of Life through the healing Hand of Jesus Christ.

Praying for my kids came almost instinctively. Those prayers began when they were conceived--even before! I knew I could never parent without the grace and guidance of the Lord. As my kids get older, however, I have stepped up my game. I pray not just for me to know God's will, but for all of us to be on the same page. And that is not easy. I have to begin viewing my children as my brothers and sisters in Christ, especially my older ones. I have to trust each child's individual relationship with Christ, and I have to start letting go and allowing even more room for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives--for Him to dictate the boundaries, for Him to call the shots.

Prayer is a gift I give my family. Interceding for them is a sacrifice to self and an offering to God. And it's work! It requires diligence, perseverance, and focus (which at 41, I find increasingly difficult! I can't focus on anything!) But in so many ways, in praying for them, I am the one who has received the gift.

For each one, God has a plan. And I have His peace.

married since August 6, 1954


Kelly said...

I believe in the power of prayer BUT I also believe that God says no.

And yes, I realize I tell my children no when they want ice cream for dinner, so when God tells me know for the "silly" things I ask for, I get it.

BUT as an adult child of an alcoholic who has always wanted a normal mom, prayed and prayed, I know that God says "my grace is sufficient for you."

Kelly said...

A follow-up, just set down for my quiet time, was reading from Act 12. This commentary was offered:

The apostle James was killed—just like that. Being a close follower of Jesus doesn't make one immune to suffering. God didn't deliver James, but he did deliver Peter in a miraculous way. You never know exactly how God will choose to work. We do know that corporate prayer was offered for Peter. For important matters and "impossible" situations, we must seek prayer from the larger body of believers.

Wow - that about sums up your both your blog and my comment!

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