Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guest Post: Letters from LoVizzle Reviews Dig Deep!

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Guest post today! I'm pleased to introduce y'all to Logan, a 16-year-old blogger (find him at Letters from LoVizzle) and former writing student of mine who wrote this review of Dig Deep. If you're thinking about a spring or summer Bible study for your son, for him to do on his own or with a group, I hope you'll consider Dig Deep!

Two years ago, I read Dig Deep: Unearthing the Treasures of Solomon's Proverbs. Dig Deep is a book about Proverbs, written for boys, 6th – 9th grade. While I was a freshman in high school when I read it, I learned a lot of lessons from Mrs. Powell’s book. As I read this daily devotional book, I learned about purity, wisdom, adultery, friends, integrity, and character.

Here are three awesome things about Dig Deep:

1. Until last summer, I never read the Bible consistently; maybe once or twice a week, if I remembered. It just didn't seem necessary or important. Reading Dig Deep every morning was the start of a process where I began to read my Bible daily.

2. After I read the daily lesson, I read the daily prayer on the Prayeramid. As I read Scripture and a story in the daily lesson, I was also praying each day. The Prayeramid helped me pray about all kinds of important things, such as my future wife, my relationship with my parents, my friends, and my understanding of Scripture.

3. The daily lessons had some really cool stories. I read about the boys who discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a major league pitcher who took flak for his stand against immoral lifestyles. There are also some amazing stories about all kinds of topics! These stories grabbed my attention and made me want to keep reading. I learned some cool lessons from these stories that reached me in a way Scripture didn’t at my age.

I definitely suggest Dig Deep to any middle school-age boy. It’s a book that will make any boy want to read Proverbs and in the process gain wisdom and understanding.

Thanks, Logan! Learn more about Dig Deep HERE.

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