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Hey Everybody,
It has been good for me to post about routines and "flying" this week because it has really helped "up my game" around here! I totally needed a shot in the arm to start off the new year, and it's been great to revisit FlyLady. I hope it's helped some of you find some relief and structure, and I hope you'll check back at her site often for motivation and encouragement!
I got to meet the FlyLady in person a few years ago. She and Leanne Ely came to do a weekend workshop for the military wives at Fort Campbell, KY. At the time, I was leading a moms' group at the hospital on post, and so I got to help with some of the arrangements. It was VERY cool! She was just terrific. She had a bunch of her resources out on a table, including her very own, actual, live-and-in-person morning routine check-off list. You would have thought it was the Holy Grail! LOL! Ladies were walking by oohing and ahhing, gently reaching over to touch it. "Oh, that's hers!" they clamored as they gathered round. "That's what she really uses!"
It actually was very inspiring! And it made all the difference to hear the FlyLady strategy taught by the one who developed it, and lives it, every day!
I guess it's good for all of us to go "back to school" and revisit concepts that may have gotten old to us, or overlooked--buried under the carpet, so to speak! LOL! I haven't really considered the New Year to be a time of thinking "back to school" thoughts, but it really is. My boys have had about a month off, and they dug in this week, revisiting those familiar books and concepts that have been gloriously overlooked during our break! But it is definitely a good thing to get back into our routine, back into the books, and back into life as lived the other eleven months of the year!
Speaking of "back to school," there's a great conference coming up in the spring that is geared expressly for bloggers who are homeschoolers! There's always so much to learn about both subjects, and this conference seeks to enlighten and inspire us in both those callings. Check it out HERE and see what you think! I'm going, and I would love to see you there!
Check out all the Weekly Wrap-Ups at!
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I wish I could "fly", but I've tried several times and have never stuck with it. Not even the sink part! LOL
Hey Jessy!
I'm definitely not "wired" to fly without a lot of help/encouragement. It goes against my nature!LOL! But it's definitely been worth it!
The conference sounds really interesting...and I am not far from DC :)
Wendi--how cool! I hope to see you there! :)
I really want to get started back with Flylady. My routines have fallen apart lately.
Sarah--remember, you can just "jump in where you are!" That's what I love about FlyLady; there's no guilt. Just jump back in and be consistent, and everything will soon fall back into place. We have had a lot of people in my family getting sick with the start of the New Year, and that really messes up the routine, but you just get back up and get your groove on as you can!
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