Friday, January 8, 2010

Resolve to Do It Yourself (#1 - #5)

Thousands of people save money each year on home construction, repair, and improvement by providing their own “sweat equity.” Even if you are not planning a major project this year, you can experience significant savings by doing some things for yourself, rather than hiring the services of others.

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1. Do your own yard work: mowing, trimming, hedging. A good yard service can run you $50 a week. (You can hire your own kid for half that!)

2. Clean your own gutters. This can cost anywhere from $50 to $150.

3. Paint your own house. Takes a lot of time, but saves a lot of money! Consider it family bonding time!

4. Learn how to change your oil. A typical oil change will cost around $30.

5. Clean your own carpets. Deals abound, but unless you have really dirty carpets that require a professional's touch, you can rent a machine for about $25 for the day.

Resolve to Never Pay Full Price (#6 - #10)

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