Monday, August 3, 2009

YOUR TIME IS NOW The Young Woman of Worth Conference 2009

Hey Everybody,

A huge "thank you!" to those of you who helped carry the prayer burden over the weekend! Every girl present at the conference made some kind of decision for Christ, whether it was to renew her commitment or come to Christ for the very first time! It was such an incredible day!

God arranged a day just for these girls--the ones He planned to be there were there. He is a God of precision. He choreographs our lives, and He plans every event; He is sovereign. For these girls, the time is now! As they start school, my prayer is that things will be very different this year. Keeping their eyes focused on Christ is key.

Need I tell you that the worship was GREAT??? And to hear those precious voices lifted as one to our King of Kings--AMAZING!

The food was great, too!

God's beloved daughters! Each one is so special, and God has a plan and a purpose for each life!

Oh my goodness! These girls are worth so much! They are worth the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ! Each one...each life...each future... Their time is now, and they know it! These young ladies give me a hope deep in my soul for their generation.



Kelly said...

Woo! Great conference! Glad you had a ball.

I leave Wed for mine. I'm excited. You can pray for me & my kids at home with their dad if you want. :-)

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

How exciting! Yes--I'll pray! And when you get back, I want to know everything! :)

Edie said...

How fun! Rejoicing with you Rebecca! You have a wonderful heart for young girls. Have a great week!!

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